3-day recharge diet

According to dieticians, the best diet is stopping yourself before overeating. However, if you have already fallen for the full plates of Holiday treats, try a three-day post-holiday diet. With its help, you should get rid of 3-4 kilos of your weight gain, clean the body, reduce blood cholesterol levels and feel the rush of energy.

First day
Drink a glass of still water with few drops of lemon juice before the breakfast.
Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or tea (no sugar, milk or milk powder), half of a grapefruit, one slice of roasted French bread with peanut butter spread.
Before the lunch: 2 cups of non-carbonated water with few drops of lemon juice.
Lunch: 100 grams of tuna with a slice of roasted French bread, black coffee or a cup of tea (without any sugar or milk).
Before the dinner – a cup of still water with few drops of lemon juice.
Dinner – 200 grams of any kind of lean meat or poultry with 200 grams of carrot and apple salad. For a dessert – a cup of vanilla ice cream without any additives.

Second day
A glass of still water with few drops of lemon juice before the breakfast.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without any additives, such as sugar or milk. One hard-boiled egg with a slice of toasted French bread (no mayonnaise or salt!), half of a banana.
Before the lunch: 2 cups of non-carbonated water with few drops of lemon juice.
Lunch: 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 5 crackers, black coffee or tea.
Before the dinner – a cup of still water with few drops of lemon juice.
Dinner – 2 beef sausages with one cup of broccoli and 100 grams of grated carrots. For a dessert – half of a banana.

Third day

Glass of water with some drops of lemon juice before the breakfast.
Breakfast: black coffee or tea, 5 crackers with 50 grams of cheddar cheese. For dessert – one apple.
Before the lunch – 2 cups of non-carbonated water with few drops of lemon juice.
Lunch: one hard-boiled egg with a slice of toasted bread, black coffee or tea.
Before the dinner – a cup of still water with few drops of lemon juice.
Dinner: salad of 100 grams of tuna and 100 grams of carrots (grated, either raw or cooked), one cup of cauliflower. For a dessert – a slice of melon.

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