4 main steps to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite is the most unwanted companion of nowadays women. More than 90 percent of women have more or less cellulite and this number is growing. How to fight against cellulite? Physical therapists give such advice:

1. Massage therapy

Massage the affected areas to improve your blood circulation and lymph flow, and eliminate fat faster. During the massage at home, it is advisable to use brushes made with natural bristles. Start with circular moves from your knees and continue going up. You should massage the back of your thighs and buttocks as well. The most thing – make this massage regularly.

2. Anti-cellulite creams
Physical therapists advice using anti-cellulite creams in conjunction with massage. Attention should be paid to ingredients of the cream – it should contain seaweed, caffeine, horse chestnut, vitamin A and
minerals from the Dead Sea.

3. Anti-cellulite pants

It’s recommended to wear these pants at least two hours after applying anti-cellulite cream. You can so wear them when exercising or get the best effect and wear them in sauna (because of them you will remove fluids from your body much easier). The best result will be received after using anti-cellulite massage, creams, and these pants in conjunction.

4. Contrast showers
In the beginning, pour hot running water on the cellulite affected areas such as thighs and then change the water temperature and make it cold as ice. Approximately, keep cellulite affected areas under the
hot water for 40 seconds and 20 seconds – under cold running water. To get the best result, it should be done for six times at least. Procedure must end with cold water session.

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