Celery diet

Celery is an incredibly useful product which has almost no calories.It has long been known for ages for its health, beauty and energy benefits. Even in ancient Greece, this plant was called the miracle that gives youth. Celery has many useful features: it is suitable for the prevention of various diseases, it’s great help to lose weight. The plant is low in calories (18 calories in one stalk), it has lots of useful materials, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, B, PP, E and A vitamins and essential oils. In addition, it’s brilliant for our figures because the body consumes more calories to digest it than it receives from it. Therefore, celery diet is very effective and no harmful effect to health has been researched, because this plant has plenty of vitamins and helps to clear the body from slangs.

Celery diet needs 14 days and the basis is its soup. During the two weeks is possible to get rid of 5-7 kilograms of weight.


For celery soup you will need:

3 liters of water,
bundle of celery stalks,
small head cabbage,
6 medium onions
2 tomatoes,
1 sweet pepper,
as well as spices.


Finely chop all the vegetables and cook for 15 minutes. Instead of celery stalks can also use its roots and you can also replace water with tomato juice – just pour, not 3 but 1.5 liters of tomato juice. So, two weeks you are allowed to eat as much soop as you want. You can also eat all the fruit and vegetables but you should avoid bananas. You should also forget sweets, pastry dishes, fried and fatty foods. If you’re not ready to follow such a diet for 2 weeks, you can also try eating celery soup one day a week. It’s low in calories, so it will help you to clean your body from dangerous substances.

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