Easy way to reduce cholesterol level in the blood

The fact that you have high amount of cholesterol in your blood doesn’t always mean that you have a terrible disease. Of course, you have to know how to reduce its levels. It matters a lot what kind of cholesterol is that and what it does to your blood vessels.

Dangerous cholesterol is the one that is synthesized in your body. It can increase because of fat food that contains many calories however sometimes it can happen not because of the food you eat. Some people say that vegetarianism can help a lot, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Do not panic if you found out that your cholesterol level in the blood is too high. Try to reduce it using this small trick. For 6-8 weeks eat 100 grams of cod with vegetable oil every day. Then repeat your blood test. You will be surprised. At first you may not like eating the same dish every single day. However, try adding different vegetables to get different flavors. Once you finish this diet you should still continue eating lots of fish to maintain proper level of cholesterol.

The secret about eating fish is that it contains omega 3 fatty acids which help to prevent heart and blood vessel diseases. You will notice the results very quickly and soon adding fish to your menu will be very normal.


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