Fasting for one day

If you find that you have gained some extra pounds during the winter, then you should remember fasting and dedicate some of your days for eating only one product or products’ group. By the way, it will be useful not only for getting rid of some weight, but also for cleaning your body out of toxins.

Fasting should be done once a week. On this day it’s recommended drinking more fluids, like 2 liters of still water or green tea, and also canceling all serious, challenging work. Your day should begin with one teaspoon of vegetable oil and a cup of a tea made from natural herbs. Note that days of fasting are prohibited for pregnant or breastfeeding women, besides the ones that are suffering from diabetes and chronic liver or renal diseases.

Proteins’ Day

Person is allowed to eat low-fat meat and fish products, cooked or steamed without any fat, oil or butter. Besides, sauces and spices are also forbidden. You can get proteins that are of plant origin, such as beans, and eat them together with meat. It’s allowed eating tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage as a side dish. Advantages: on this day of fasting you shouldn’t feel any hunger, eat at every 4-5 hours.

Cottage Day

For such day of fasting you should make sure that your fridge is filled with a lean cottage cheese (less than 600 g), milk, sour cream (100 g). Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and divide into 5 equal parts. This “mash” should be taken together with milk but you can replace it with mineral water. Advantages: the day of such fasting will improve your bones and nails.

Carrots’ Day

Grate one big carrot and mix it with a tablespoon of honey and one lemon’s juice. Eat the salad for your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Note that fasting when only carrots are eaten is not recommended more often than once a month.

Apples’ Day

Eat 1.5 kg of apples during a day. You can also drink as much as you want.

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