The importance of calcium an vitamin D

Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D is one of the main causes of osteoporosis. To avoid this, your daily diet should include products that are necessary for bones health. To keep bones healthy and strong, you need such nutrients as calcium and vitamin. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, and vitamin D helps to absorb calcium and improves bone growth.

1. Milk. It is particularly rich in calcium and vitamin D, so should drink a glass of milk every day. If you do not like milk, replace it with cheese or yogurt.

2. Bananas. These fruits are full of calcium and vitamin D. Bananas are a great in enhancing immunity, promoting metabolism and maintaining the calcium in the body.

3. Green vegetables. Spinach, onions, broccoli and other green vegetables are excellent sources of calcium. They are also rich in vitamin K, which increases bone density.

4. Nuts. Almonds and peanuts have potassium, which prevents the body from losing calcium with urine. Walnuts are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are very important for bone mass. Omega 3 also accelerates bone formation.

5. Prunes. They are rich in inulin, which helps the body to absorb calcium as soon as possible, and strengthens bones. Dried plums have the greatest impact on bone density. Women over 50 are advised to eat at least 10 prunes every day .

6. Sardines and salmon. Sardines have particularly high levels of vitamin D and calcium. Salmon is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

7. Eggs. Yolks are rich in vitamin D. However, keep in mind that you should not exaggerate with eggs.

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