What combinations of food to avoid if you want to lose weight?

Have you tries various diets but still don’t see the result you want? Try a much more efficient method – combining products. The essence of it is very simple. You have to eat so that your digestive tract would not be forced to produce both acids and alkali as these two substances neutralize each other. What happens then? The food that is in your stomach becomes one solid mass which will remain there until your body will produce another dose of enzymes.

Protein is digested in acid environment (in the stomach) and carbohydrates – in alkaline environment (in the intestines). If you eat different products at once, they can remain in the stomach up to 8 hours and in the intestines – up to 30 hours. Here are 7 tips what combinations of food you should avoid.

  1. Carbohydrates with acidic foods. It is not recommended to eat beans, potatoes, bread and other carbohydrates together with oranges, lemons and other acidic products.
  2. Protein with carbohydrates. It is not recommended to eat fruits, potatoes and bread together with cheese, meat, nuts and eggs.
  3. Different protein products. It is not recommended to eat different protein products together, for example dairy products are not compatible with meat and nuts. You should drink milk alone.
  4. Fat with protein. It is not recommended to eat dairy products together with nuts, meat, eggs and other products that contain protein.
  5. Sour fruits with protein. It is not recommended to eat oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc together with nuts, meat, eggs and cheese.
  6. Products that contain starch with sweets. Jams, sugar and syrups are not compatible with grains, potatoes and bread.
  7. Melons with other foods. Various types of melons are recommended to eat separately from other products. You can only eat another product after digesting melon.

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