Honey promotes beauty of skin

Honey is a great help to cure many illnesses. it also cleanses body, strengthens heart and blood vessels. Experts recomend to drink a small glass of warm water with one teaspoon of dissolved honey 3 times per day before eating. If you do it regularly, over several moths you will forget what is insomnia, cold, indigestion and headache. Besides, you will knowtice a big difference on yuor skin and hair.

Honey is also often used in cosmetics. It can be used to make various nutritional masks. It softens and tones skin, smooths small wrinkles.

If you have normal or dry skin, you can try these masks:

  • 100 g of honey and juice of one lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 egg yolk and one teaspoon of sour cream

For oily skin:

  • Honey mixed with curd (1:1)
  • Fresh honey alone

For dry and sensitive skin:

  • 2 grated onions and 2 tablespoons of honey

Honey masks are recommended to use twice a week. Wash them off with warm water, don’t use soap. Despite your skin type you can refresh your face with honey water (1 teaspoon of honey and a glass of warm water). After 10-15 minutes rinse it with warm water.

In order to get rid of dandruffs and strengthen your hair, make a mask of honey and grated onions. Rub it to your head before washing your hair and keep it for 30-40 minutes.

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