How to cleanse you body after winter?

In winter our body tries to collect energy that would help to fight against cold. It is not surprising that we eat food that has more calories and of course gain some kilos. We stay at home more often and go for walks less often. We want to sleep longer so we stay in bed till midday and so on. All these factors have effects on our body shape, skin complexion and hair.

The biggest problem is that our body accumulates toxins, fat and cholesterol which have negative effects on our health. It can damage our heart, joints, stomach, liver, etc. this means you need to cleanse your body.

The best way to do it is by drinking lots of water. You probably already know that an adult has to drink 2 liters of water. The best is to do it when your stomach is empty. This helps to remove toxins from your body. You can add a tea spoon of honey and some lemon juice.

Proper breathing can also help to clean your body and improve metabolism. Learn to breathe slowly (breath in through nose, breath out through mouth). Repeat it few times per day when ever you have a spare minute.


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