How to improve vision?

Vision is one of the most important senses. It provides the most information about the world around us. So what should we do to keep our eyes healthy?


Vitamin C. This vitamin helps to protect eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays. Recommended daily intake is 200 mg. One medium orange has about 90 mg of vitamin C. A similar amount of this vitamin can be found in a handful of broccoli or strawberries.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Women probably know that these acids are extremely important to maintain hair and nail beauty. Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. You can take fish oil capsules and also eat oily fish such as salmon or tuna.

Zinc. Scientific studies have shown that lack of zinc is associated with poor vision. This mineral also protects from cataracts and macular degeneration. You can get zinc from lean meat, chicken, nuts.


Direct sunlight may eventually severely damage your eyes. Do not forget sunglasses even when the sun is not that bright, you need to wear it all year round! Remember that neither the price nor the darkness have nothing to do to the quality of sunglasses. Choose it according to UVA and UVB filters.


If you are working on the computer all day long, do not forget to make breaks and do special exercises for your eyes. It should be done every hour for about 10-15 minutes.


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