How to make you hair grow faster?

Probably everybody would agree that long hair is one of the best features of a woman. However, it is not that easy to keep long and healthy hair. Here are some secrets that will help you to grow long and beautiful hair.

Cut. Many people argue whether cutting your hair is crucial if you want your hair to grow. Some people say that if you cut your end regularly and keep them healthy, your hair will grow faster as if you have split ends, your hair is too weak to grow quickly. Others say that cutting doesn’t mean anything and your hair grows all the time the same. Probably the best thing is to be somewhere in the middle. Make sure you keep your hair healthy, but do not cut too much. Otherwise, you will not see the results.

Hot oil. Head massage with hot oil helps to maintain healthy scalp and hair. This is also very relaxing and it activate blood circulation. You will soon notice that your hair is actually growing faster. Do this treatment once per week.

Egg white. This is a great homemade treatment for hair growth. You probably know that onion is great to put to your roots. However, the smell of it doesn’t look very attractive. Instead, scramble three egg whites gently and apply it to your roots. Massage into the scalp and leave it for 5-10 minutes. It will nourish your roots and your hair will grow healthier and stronger. Rinse this treatment with warm water and shampoo. Don’t forget to condition.

Drink water. This is the essence of your beauty. Your hair will grow faster if they have enough of moisture. If you don’t drink enough of it, first of all, your hair will feel that.

Proper drying. Reduce blow drying to the minimum. Hot temperature affects your hair very badly. Try to dry your hair naturally.


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