How to take care of your nails in summer time?

Beautiful nails are healthy nails. Your hands will look good only when the cuticles are not cracked and the nails are not chipped. In summertime because of the sun and dust our hands often becomes dry and nails can start layering. For this reason tice per day you should apply some oil to your nails and cuticles. Choose almond, jojoba or vitamin E oil.

Sea water. Beauty experts say that sea water is great for your nails. It contains lots of minerals that make our nails stronger. However, do not overdo it. Besides, you should remove nails polish before going to the beach. Nail polish does not allow your nail to “breath” and can even cause various infections.

The sun. in summer use nail polishes that protects against ultra violet rays. Otherwise your nails can start getting yellow. Before approaching the sun, apply some oil to your nails so that they would bet good protection.

Moisturizing. Get some sour cream and whip it. Apply it to your hands and put some special gloves for the manicure. Keep it for 10 minutes and then clean it with wipes. If you have extra dry hand skin, prepare some mask with mineral water. You can use any mineral mater but the best choice is thermal water as it will keep the moisture better.


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