Let’s lose some weight and cleanse our body

Excessive quantities of food not only affects your appearance but also your health. If can be just couple of extra kilos, but our nervous, heart and circulatory systems will feel the difference immediately. The best solution is to eat healthy and cleanse your body at the same time.

The main reason why your health becomes worse and your weight starts increasing is toxins. We accumulate toxins because of unhealthy lifestyle. That is a lack of physical activity, abuse of junk food, bad habits, like smoking and drinking alcohol. Toxins harm your lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs. Then our body doesn’t function normally and becomes weaker.

The first step to help ourselves is to take care of our nutrition. Proper nutrition provides us enough energy and cleanse our body from toxins. First of all, you have to say no to alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. Don’t be surprised if the first days you will feel a little tired or have headache. These are normal symptoms when our body starts detoxification.

Additionally, you should learn how to breath correctly. Besides, it is very good to go to sauna which will increase eliminating toxins and help you to lose weight faster. Make sure you eat several times per day in small portions. Don’t forget exercising. It would be amazing if you can exercise outside.

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