Liver and nutrition

Almost every mother has to force the children to eat liver. That’s worth it because eating small portions of liver has been researched to be one of the best sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals, especially important for human’s health. This product can be easily prepared by frying, baking or boiling and it perfectly goes with almost all vegetables, rice, peanuts, plums or lemons.

Nutritional facts

Talking about nutritional value, liver is rich in proteins and vital body minerals (iron, copper, calcium, sodium, and especially zinc), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E) and indispensable amino acids. Liver also contain heparin which regulates blood clotting, so they are advised if you want to prevent heart attacks and atherosclerosis. However, liver also contain high amounts of fat and cholesterol, so you should ask your family doctor about the quantities that won’t be harmful for your heart.

Types of liver

Beef liver – the most widespread among the family of livers, stands out with a quite mild taste.
Calf’s liver – recalls the taste of the beef liver but it’s much less severe and more costly.
Lamb’s liver – very gentle and delicate product. Mostly prepared just like calf liver, they usually are seasoned, baked and then served with vegetables and sauces.
Chicken liver is the most popular because of their delicate taste and low calories. They are sold at good price in almost every supermarket.
Duck and goose liver – the most expensive ones, mostly called foie gras. They are very tasty and mild but shouldn’t be served in cream sauce because they are very rich in fat.

No matter which liver you choose, they need look shiny and smooth. Liver should have pale red color because that means that it was got from young.

Calories in 100 g of the product:

– Chicken liver – 140 calories
– Beef liver – 120 calories.
– Calf’s liver – 187 calories
– Lamb’s liver – 139 calories

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