3 natural antiseptics that you need to know about

Antiseptics are widely used in fight against germs. Almost every pharmacy can offer various measures to fight against various infections, for example, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc. However, in some cases, these measures cannot be used, for example, if the wound is open, iodine may burn damaged tissues, and although hydrogen peroxide can cope with the task, it can cause pain. As an alternative, you can choose natural antiseptics. Here are three of them.


Chamomile is perhaps the simplest, cheapest and most easily found antiseptic. It has a soothing, antiseptic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains calcium, glycosides, tannins and cleansing acids. It has antioxidant properties and inhibits intestinal spasms. Chamomile tea improves digestion and appetite, stimulates secretion of bile, promotes perspiration and has astringent properties.


Eucalyptus properties are known for a long time ago. It is believed that ancient Egyptians used eucalyptus extract to embalm the dead bodies. Eucalyptus leaf healing properties are known in Europe, Asia and homeopathic medicine. Eucalyptus leaves extracts are widely used to treat digestive tract ailments, also for inhalations to treat bronchitis. In addition, eucalyptus oil alone and in combination with other products is used externally as a painkiller.


Garlic is used in for various treatments for ages. It lowers the level of cholesterol, sugar in the blood, and it can prevent heart attack and stroke. Garlic is also an invaluable tool for fighting colds, infectious diseases and cancer. Garlic juice inhibits growth of cancer cells and helps prevent blood clotting.

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