Natural anti-aging yogurt mask

Natural yogurt is full of vitamins and minerals, so it is one of the most commonly used ingredients DIY skin care recipes. Yogurt contains alpha hydroxyl acid and it has anti-bacterial properties, and it is just great, since these acids naturally struggle with acne caused by bacteria. Yogurt is also contains zinc, which is especially important for our skin. Zinc fights against free radicals which are responsible for skin aging and wrinkles.

Yogurt can be applied directly on the skin after cleansing it. It can also be mixed with other products, like honey or lemon juice, which are extremely effective anti-aging products. Lemon is a natural scrub that plays an important role because it contains AHA (Alpha Hydroxyl Acid) acids, renewing the skin and giving it vibrancy.

When choosing yogurt, be sure to look for a natural, with no additives, high in fat, because low-fat yogurt is not as great for doing masks. Here is what you will need to prepare yogurt and lemon mask:

1-2 tablespoons of natural yogurt,
a dash of fresh lemon juice.

Mix yogurt and lemon and apply the mixture on clean face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse with cool water. Using this mask once a week, will guarantee beautiful and glowing skin. After the treatment, be sure to make a snack from the rest of the yogurt. Mix in a teaspoon of honey, a variety of seeds, nuts and dried fruits and feed your skin from the inside.

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