How to avoid heart diseases?
Doctors agree that more and more young people are diagnosed with various cardiovascular diseases. Stress, insomnia, vague diet, being overweight are just a few reasons… Read More »How to avoid heart diseases?
Not feeling well? Think that you “likely have cancer or something”? Most likely this is just your imagination, but it never hurts to find out for sure whether your illness has something to do with a disease, or whether it’s completely harmless.
This section is meant to provide information on how to fight your illness and what to expect of it, or to simply put your mind at ease.
Doctors agree that more and more young people are diagnosed with various cardiovascular diseases. Stress, insomnia, vague diet, being overweight are just a few reasons… Read More »How to avoid heart diseases?
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. It is particularly harmful to women and children. If untreated, these problems… Read More »Iron deficiency: what should you do?
Sometimes seemingly not important signals can tell a lot about deteriorating condition of your body. So what is your falling hair, puffy eyes or tongue… Read More »Body signals that indicate about serious illnesses
Contrary to what doctors used to say (that the best way to strengthen your immunity is to get a lot of vitamin C), now zinc… Read More »The only supplement that helps to protect against viruses
Usually people care about their eyes only if they experience some symptoms of a serious disease. But how should care of our eyes to prevent… Read More »What can out eyes tell about our health?
When the weather gets worse, a lot of people start complaining about various health related issues. Here are some natural antibiotics that can help you.… Read More »Natural antibiotics you should now about
Even Hippocrates once said, “Let the food be your medicine.” In this regard, nothing has changed since ancient times. Today nutritionists also recommend a balanced… Read More »Why is it so important to strengthen your immunity?
If you eat unhealthy food you should know that even after digesting it, not everything is removed from our body. Common diseases, ailments or colds… Read More »Antioxidants. A natural way to clean toxins from your body
Everyone who likes to cook knows that spices make any dish tastier. But that’s not all. Spices have a lot of beneficial properties and they… Read More »Immunity enhancing herbs that you should add to your dishes
According to statistics insomnia affects around 30% of adults. In most cases, this happens due to the fault of inadequate lifestyle. But how to overcome… Read More »How to fight against insomnia?