Our brain is only about 2% of the total body weight, however, the appetite of this organ is ten times higher than any other. Brain consumes up to 20% of the daily total calories! If you want to ensure their excellent work, you need to pay more attention to what you eat. So what kind of products should be included in your menu?
1. Chocolate
In Aztec times, chocolate was considered to be a medication. Subsequently, chemical analysis of cocoa gave a number of surprises: cacao has tonic and stimulant properties, moreover, it is rich in magnesium (330 mg / 100 g), and it contains a so-called happiness hormone serotonin (which explains why chocolate lovers are less likely to have depression). And that’s not all! There are antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect brain.
2. Walnuts
Walnuts have long been praised for their special composition. Eastern wisdom says that in order to remove nervous tension and stress, you should eat at least a few of these kernel every day. But most importantly, walnuts are rich in iron, cobalt, zinc, essential fatty acids (omega-3), and B group vitamins. Do not forget about walnut oil, which can be used on salads or any other food. Walnuts not only strengthen activity of the brain and blood vessels, but also help to maintain a good memory.
3. Oily fish
Over 50% of brain weight consists of lipids, and more than 70% of them are fatty acids. These substances are involved in brain cell activity and construction of membrane. They also promote the activity of neurons. The deficiency of Omega 3 fatty acids can cause changes in brain activity and memory disorders. Fish is true bomb of omega 3 fatty acids.
4. Vegetable oils
Walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower, corn or safflower oils are very useful for our body and immune system. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which provide strength and vitality. Make sure you use extremely high quality, cold-pressed oils.
5. Spinach and other green vegetables
All leafy vegetables contain vitamin B9, which is involved in nerve tissue of the embryo. Its deficiency affects attention and memory disorders. If you do not like spinach, choose cabbage lettuce, broccoli, etc.