Products beneficial for our brain

Our health and well-being in general depends a lot on what we put to our plate. Do you know which products improve brain function? Everyone who has a mental work should involve these products to their diet.

Pineapples. Pineapples help to memorize large quantity of information and stimulate long-term memory.

Oatmeal. Oats stimulate blood circulation, as well as the brain work. It contains many B group vitamins (just like many other cereals).

Avocados. 40% of avocado pulp consists of oil that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore you will not only feed your brain cells, but also to accelerate assimilation of information and protect your body against cardiovascular diseases, depression, stress, as well as strengthen your immune system. Avocados are also rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium.

Vegetable oils.Walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, corn and other vegetable oils are very useful for our body and immune system.They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which work perfectly on brain activity, give strength and vitality.

Eggplants. Dark skin pigment is an antioxidant that helps to keep brain cell membranes a required amount of fat, protecting them from damage.

Beetroots. Beetroots contain betaine which improves mood and ability to concentrate.

Lemons. Lemons contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the nervous system and brain activity. They also help to concentrate, facilitate absorption of information.

Dried apricots. These dried fruits improve memory, promote efficiency and reduce tension. They are rich in iron and vitamin C. Iron stimulates left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for analytical thinking and vitamin C helps to absorb iron.

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