4 ways to manage your stress
Stress adversely affects our well-being. In order for us to cope with any troubles and storms of life, it is important to be strong both… Read More »4 ways to manage your stress
Not feeling well? Think that you “likely have cancer or something”? Most likely this is just your imagination, but it never hurts to find out for sure whether your illness has something to do with a disease, or whether it’s completely harmless.
This section is meant to provide information on how to fight your illness and what to expect of it, or to simply put your mind at ease.
Stress adversely affects our well-being. In order for us to cope with any troubles and storms of life, it is important to be strong both… Read More »4 ways to manage your stress
Food poisoning is usually caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites, and a lot less be toxins and chemicals.Although usually it is not dangerous and disappears… Read More »First aid if you had food poisoning
As summer is about to end, a lot of people are worried about autumn depression. Here are some useful tips how to prevent bad mood… Read More »How to prevent automn depression
1. Drink eight glasses of water per day. This is a myth. The amount of water each of us needs depends on weather conditions, clothes… Read More »5 myths about dehydration
Sadly, lung cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases in oncology. Experts recommend remembering a few simple rules to prevent this horrible disease.… Read More »Tips how to prevent lung cancer
Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D is one of the main causes of osteoporosis. To avoid this, your daily diet should include products that are… Read More »7 products that are crucial for your bones
Herpes is not just a little thing, that you just have to wait to heal. It’s an insidious enemy that can not be destroyed, but… Read More »What you should know about lip herpes
Do you constantly want to drink? Do not ignore your thirst as it can be a symptom of a serious disease. On average, one person… Read More »What health issues does your thirst reveal?
Statistics shows that every fifth person suffer from insomnia. If this is just an episotic phenomenon, you shouldn‘t worry too much. However, if you feel… Read More »10 reasons to fight against insomnia
Lavender. Researchers from Chicago claim that the scent of levender reduces the level of alpha waves in the brain (these waves are responsible for stress).… Read More »5 ways to overcome stress