35 percent middle-aged people have declared that even once in their lifetime they have been suffering from insomnia or other sleep disorder. Feeling tired just after getting up, people having problems with sleep can’t work productively. Insomnia is diagnosed when a person for more than three weeks starts finding difficulties in falling asleep, wakes up continuously, and can’t sleep more than six hours.
Insomnia is usually divided into random, short-term and long-term.
Random insomnia affects about 27 percent of people and it is quite common among elderly people. Mostly, it starts because of the environmental or other changes, noise or unventilated air in the room, so if you remove its causes, you can easily eliminate random insomnia.
People suffering from short-term insomnia, feel tired or under emotional and physical stress. This insomnia can last for more than five days and may occur because of the certain drugs or long working hours.
Long-term insomnia can lead to mental or neurological diseases, drugs and alcohol. Sleep problems are very common between those who have mental illnesses, such as psychosis, mood changes, anxiety, panic attacks or alcoholism and also may be a symptom of neurological diseases.
So, what are the rules of good sleep and how could you eliminate insomnia from your life?
• Always get up in the morning at the same time.
• Don’t sleep during a day. Do some exercises instead – vigilance will improve your sleep at night.
• Go to bed only when you want to sleep. You should fall asleep in 10 minutes, if it fails – get up.
• Don’t stay in bed when you are waked up.
• Create sleeping-friendly environment. Weak light, gentle music and comfortable mattress can easily affect your sleep quality.
• If you are suffering from chronic insomnia, exercising in the evening is not recommended.
• Continuous noise slowly and gradually disturbs your sleep. It is advisable to buy ear plugs.
• Don’t drink coffee or tea in the evening.
• Even if you are suffering from long-term sleep disorders, do not take sleeping pills continuously.
• A hungry person falls asleep harder. Drink a cup of warm milk or eat something light to fall asleep easier.
So, try these suggestions written above to regulate your sleep. If they are not helpful, contact your family doctor to get the appropriate help and medication.