How to quit smoking without gaining weight?

Many people who decide to quit smoking are afraid about gaining weight. If you are one of them, here’s what you have to remember:

• Quitting smoking doesn’t automatically mean that you will start getting fat. People gain weight because after they quit smoking, they start eating more.

• You will have much more pluses if you quit smoking and gaining several extra kilos is just one very small minus. You should gain many extra kilos in order to make all pluses of quitting smoking disappear.

Just watch what you are eating. If you still find this problem and you are still worried about extra weight, remember these tips:

• Keep your diet well balanced. Make sure to get enough protein, carbohydrate and fat.

• Before eating, drink a glass of water.

• Watch your weight every day.

• If you want something sweet, chew some sweet chewing gum.

• Think about your everyday menu very carefully, don’t forget counting calories. Do not try to lose weight. At first you have to learn how to keep it the same.

• Always have some low calorie snaks. Use calories tables and choose products that are nutritious and has less calories. Fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable juice, low-fat cheese, popcorn without any oil have to become your best friends.

• Try to work out at least a little bit.


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