Whether you feel sick because of a party last night, you got pregnant, you ate something bad or you suffer from sea sickness, there are some products that can help you to feel better.
Ginger. Ginger is known as a product that facilitate nausea, so if you feel sick, get a piece of ginger with sugar or drink a cup of ginger tea. You can also try the ginger beer, but first read the label and make sure it is a real ginger.
Savoury biscuits. Crackers rescue many women in the first three months of pregnancy.
Yogurt. When looking for a product that will help to combat nausea after taking some medication, yogurt is sure to be a good choice. It is perfect to facilitate nausea, and it also replaces some of the good bacteria that can be killed by the medication. Try plain or vanilla Greek yogurt which contains more protein and is gentler on the stomach (because it contains less lactose).
Bananas. A ripe banana is another great product when you feel sick . Banana is rich in potassium, which helps to combat nausea.
Rice. It may sound boring , but ordinary white rice is another great product that is suitable for when you are sick . It is easy to prepare , and it will provide a burst of energy.
Mint. Peppermint oil, just like ginger, also has an excellent reputation as a product that helps when you are sick. Try getting some peppermint sweets or drink peppermint tea.