Why women should eat nuts?

Women beauty and health is inexhaustible subject. Did you know that all women should always carry a bag of nuts? Here are the reasons why.

1. Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids that help to prevent bad consequences of a diet, such as pale skin, brittle nails, hair split ends and yo-yo effect.

2. Unsaturated fatty acids makes you premenstrual syndrome pass much easier. If you eat nuts regularly and have healthy diet, soon you may not feel it at all.

3. Nuts help to maintain active brain, so all women who have mental work shout eat them. Nuts are also great for women struggling with chronic fatigue.

4. Nuts reduce the risk of getting various diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, eczema, depression, cardiovascular diseases. They also increase resistance to various infections.

5. Nuts contain beta carotene and vitamin E which prevent aging processes, appearance of age spots and prevent against negative effects of free radicals.

6. Nuts can help to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood as they are rich is polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin B6.


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