5 myths about diabetes

Over the past 10 years treatment of diabetes has changes significantly. It turned out that it is possible to live with this disease.  Although there are lots of information about diabetes, some myths of ot are still powerful.
Myth 1. Diabetes is a hereditary disease that you cannot avoid.
Type one diabetes is indeed inherited disease.  However, type 2 diabetes is usually a consequence of some other reasons. One of the reasons is age. Usually people over 40 years old get type 2 diabetes.  Another thing is obesity. When body mass index is higher than 25 you have a high risk of developing diabetes. Uncounted trio os obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Myth 2.  People suffering from diabetes gain lots of weight.
Everything goes the opposite way. Actually obesity is a cause and diabetes is almost always a consequence.  Two thirds of obese people will definitely develop this disease. If you get fat on your abdominal area, the chances to develop diabetes are even higher.
Myth 3. If you eat lots of  sweets you will develop diabetes.
Developing diabetes is influenced not on specific foods but on the amount of food you eat which leads to overweight. It doesn’t make any difference if you eat tons of cakes or fat stakes.
Myth 4. Diabetics are almost disabled.
Diabetes is not that dangerous as its complications. The most dangerous complications are heart and vascular diseases. Diabetics should learn how to deal with a disease.
Myth 5. Diabetecs cannot eat sweets, bread, pasta and sweet fruits.
55 percent of all food we eat should be carbohydrates, no matter if yo are healthy or you have diabetes. A lack of carbohydrates makes blood sugar jump so you can develop various complications.

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