5 reasons to go to sauna

Sauna is not only a great way to spend time with your friends, it also have lots of benefits to your body. Here are 5 proves why it is worth going to sauna.

1.       It opens your pores, so it is easier to remove dead skin cells and all the dirt from there. You will feel incredibly light after sauna.

2.       Sauna is a great way to prevent radiculitis and osteoporosis. However, if you have some illnesses you should first consult your doctor before going to sauna. For example, sauna can be dangerous for people suffering from arthritis.

3.       If you have horny layer of on your skin, sauna will help to soften your skin and remove those dead cells.

4.       Do you want to lose weight? High temperature in sauna accelerates blood circulation so you start losing fat from your body. Also, it’s a great way to reduce cellulitis. Just don’t forget to drink plenty of water as you lose it while being in sauna.

5.       Do you want to get rid of fatigue? After a stressful week at work or just a busy day, spend your time in sauna with a good company. You will soon feel that both your body and soul are becoming cleaner. Serenity and enthusiasm after sauna will be an insipartion for you to work the next day.

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