Benefits of ginger tea

There are many kinds of tea and they all have different impact on our body. Some of them can even be used instead of medications, others are just great for their taste. So why ginger tea is so special?

It has a positive effect on our mood. If you drink ginger tea regularly you will become healthier and prevent against many illnesses. Ginger tea improves brain function and memory. If you drink it before meal, it improves the appetite and helps to digest. It is recommended to drink ginger tea if you have problems with weight. Also if you have stomach problems (for example, gastritis), you already know what to replace your morning cup of coffee with.


Usually people think that ginger tea should be taken during the cold time of the year. In fact, you shouldn’t forget about it even during the warmer time of the year. Traditional ginger tea is prepared from of teaspoon of ground ginger and a glass of boiling water. After 20-30 minutes you can add a teaspoon of honey and enjoy this wonderful drink. According to your taste, you can also add cardamom, cloves and other spices.


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