Benefits of lemon to your health

Everybody knows that lemon is a real source of vitamins. A few drops of lemon juice makes your tea taste or salad taste better and enriches it with vitamins. Lemon is also great on fish or meat.

Another popular use of lemon is treating cold.Lemon juice and lemon rind has antiseptic properties and lemon leaves are wildly used to treat fever.

These is no secret that lemon is one of the best sources of vitamin C. This vitamin is essential in strengthening immune system, it also acts as an antioxidant. The rind of lemon also has vitamin P. Lemon is also known to stimulate appetite, it is great in reducing high cholesterol levels.

Lemon is a great antioxidant. It slows down aging processes and reduces a risk of cancer. Lemon should be used by people who have cardiovascular problems as it helps tp prevent heart attacks. It should be added that lemon also contains pectin (a natural acidic polysaccharide) and bioflavanoids. Bioflavanoids contribute in stengthening capillary walls and improve lymphatic circulation. Lemon stimulate secretion of enzymes and gastric acids and this way our body absorbs iron and calcium much better. Lemon can be used as an anticeptic to treat mouth or throat inflammation. However, lemon juice are harmful for tooth enamel, so be careful with it.

Lemon should be used by pregnant women and children. It improves concentration and reduces fatigue.


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