Emotional eating – the main reason why so many of us gain weight

Often people eat when the feel stress or other emotional arousal. This is called emotional eating. Anger, boredom, depression, loneliness or sadness can lead to attacks of emotional eating. So if you are suffering from this and you want to lose weight, your fight must start from fight against emotional eating.

It is one of the most common reasons why people are gaining weight. Emotional eating brings momentary relief. However, you keep the real problem inside you and it always shows up again later. Besides, the consequences of emotional eating, such as weight gain, can cause additional emotional problems which in turn increase the desire to eat again.

Watch yourself. Emotional eating usually starts with some big changes in your life, like divorce, losing job, etc. You can also notice that everyday stress, for example, related to work, contribute to emotional eating.

How to help yourself? Watch what makes you eat more. It is very important to find out what is the reason of your emotional eating. Also you can try writing a diary. Write down everything that you eat and also mark your emotions at the time you are eating. This will help you to know yourself better and change your behaivior.

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