How to avoid hair loss?

Together with autumn, our hair begins to fall more intensively – some of them were affected by summer sun, some – by salty sea and the wind. After noticing this, you can live with it and do nothing or can run into the first pharmacy or beauty store to buy expensive products promising to help you avoid the hair loss. However, there are numerous natural treatments you can also try.

Here are the recipes that should be used from 3 to 12 months once a week at least. Be sure to take some time to relax and have some aromatherapy procedure because one of the most common causes of hair loss is the stress.

Broth with rosemary. You need to pour 2 teaspoons of rosemary with 300 ml of water and simmer for 5 minutes. When the broth is cool, rub your hair roots using a clean brush with this mixture and leave overnight. Rinse your hair in the morning (preferably without shampoo). Rosemary stimulates circulation. This measure was also been noticed to make hair shine.

Mustard and oil mixture. Take 3 tablespoons of mustard, three drops of sage, rosemary, mint and cedar oil. Mix these oils with 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and massage the scalp and hair. Put on your head plastic bag additionally and put on the towel. Rinse your hair with cold water (use only organic shampoo) after an hour.

Horseradish juice. Grate the horseradish and squeeze the juice from the paste additionally. Massage your scalp and hair over their entire length. It’s especially good treatment for the hair, so leave this juice for entire night and rinse with organic shampoo in the morning. Horseradish juice powerfully strengthens the hair.

Sour milk or yogurt.
It’s very simple but very effective mask. Massage your scalp and hair with sour milk or yogurt (homemade or organic preferably) and cover the head with a plastic bag and towel. Leave for 1 -2 hours and then rinse with cool water. Use only organic shampoo.

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