How to get your child to eat better?

Each mother is happy when raising a healthy child. However, even healthy children make unpleasant surprises. One of them is an absolute ignorance to vegetables or other food.  In order to make your child eat, follow these advices doctors give: 

• Make a proper daily routine. It is important that the child always eats his breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time to get into normal routine.

• Set a table in a special way. For example, put on the colorful cloth on the table or some pleasantly scented flowers. It’s always pleasant to eat at a beautiful table. In addition, you should also ask your child for a help to set the table. Beautiful, colorful dishes can also encourage your child to eat – children are always interested to see the funny picture at the bottom of the plate.

• Prepare a delicious, rich in vitamins foods. Children should be given to eat only naturally produced fresh vegetables. However, even the healthiest food should be tasty – otherwise the child will refuse it.

• If you are not sure that your child is getting a needed amount of vitamins, see your family doctor to get a recipe for extra vitamins.

• Try to have a dinner with the whole family. Eating together will be fun and will encourage him to start eating vegetables if he will see his dad doing so.

• Try to spend much time outdoors. The child should be in outside for at least 2 hours in the morning and afternoon every day. Mothers are also advised to go with a child to a park or forest, but not in a playground in the city to get more oxygen, which increases metabolism and hunger. Being outdoors, child becomes more energetic, so he will definitely eat better.

• Make eating a game. The child will find much more interest in eat if he gets different tasks. For example, you can make an animal party and let your child forget the entire cutlery, so parents could guess what animal he mimics. Childish games will definitely help the child to start eating and help for the parents.

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