If you want a beautiful and healthy skin

Healthy and beautiful skin depends on your general health. If you take care of your health, it is very likely that you will have a youthful and radiant skin. In winter our skin gets drier because of negative environmental factors which weaken your skin epidermis. Here are some tips how to rake care of your skin at this time of the year.

1. Twice a week make a cucumber mask for your face.

2. If you have white spots, every morning drink a glass of water with few drops of lemon juice.

3. Every time you drink fresh juice, think about your skin. Take a cotton pad and clean your skin gently with fresh juice. Your skin will look younger and it will prevent from aging.

4. Do you want to get rid of acne? Use a banana mask. Smash one banana and mix it with one egg white, some flour and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply this mask to your face and rinse it off after 20 minutes.

5. Use a mask from butter and lemon juice if you want your skin to look radiant.

6. If you want to treat pigmentation, acne or allergy symptoms, wash your skin with cucumber juice three times per week.

7. Another grate mask for your face – grape juice.

8. If you have acne, scramble and egg white with a teaspoon of wine vinegar. Apply this mixture at night instead of your moisturizer. Rinse it off in the morning.

9. Another replacement for your night cream is olive oil.

10. Make steam treatment for your skin once a week.

11. Contrast shower is great if you want to tighten your skin.


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