Long work at computer = “dry eye syndrome”?

Computers have become an integral part of everybody’s everyday life. However, we haven’t learned to use it properly without staring at it for hours yet…

Doctors have already confirmed the fact that eye fatigue depends on continuous work at computer: the longer we work, the stronger we distress our eyes. Then we blink less and our eyes gradually dry. Normally, we blink from 20 to 22 times in a minute. However, when working at computer, our eyes blink less than 10 times per minute and this leads to inefficient eye moisten and their irritation.

If you can’t avoid working at computer for a long time period, you should follow these rules:

The first – our eyes need a break! According to hygiene norms, each hour of computer work must be interrupted by 10 minutes break when eyes are directed to any stable object located not closer than six meters.

Secondly, computer’s screen should be right in front of your eyes with a distance of half a meter.

While all computer screens produced now are at a low electromagnetic radiation level and have a special protective coating, our eyes suffer from direct light sources reflected on the screen. So, your work place should be arranged so that light sources (windows and lights) wouldn’t reflect it and office chair should be stable, comfortable and let you choose a proper body position.

If recommended by doctor, you should start wearing glasses with anti-reflective coating.

However, eye dryness can be caused not only by long hours spend at the PC. It may also be other factors, such as:

Age. Dry eyes syndrome is diagnosed for 75 percent people who are older than 65 years.

Environment. Dust, smoke, smog, paints, cosmetics, central heating, air conditioners, wind, sun or cold accelerate tear film evaporation.

Eye pressure. A long-term reading, watching television or driving make your blink less than you should.

Various diseases. Rheumatic, endocrinological, hematological, autoimmune, systemic, allergic and other, diseases, the use of eye drops and contact lens may increase a possibility of getting dry eye syndrome.

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