What substances strengthen our immune system?

Carotenoids. Beta-carotene, which you can find in carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches and papaya. All carotenoids provide with pro-vitamin A which transforms into retinol in our body, an active form of vitamin A. Lycopene is another carotenoid that you can find in tomatoes. It is great to prevent heart diseases. Carotenoids are strong antioxidants and for this reason they have such a great effect on our immune system.
Magnesium. This mineral cannot not produced by our body, so we have to make sure we get enough of it. Many chemical reactions in our body include enzymes, a certain kind of protein. Magnesium is essential for more than 300 enzymes in our body. It is also involved to metabolism of carbohydrates and it helps to release energy at the right time. The best sources of magnesium are grain products (bread) and green herbs (parsley, dill, spinach, etc.). You can also find them in shrimps, crabs, black tea, nuts, chocolate, cabbage, carrots.
Manganese. It is a very important mineral for human body, which is however toxic, so you have to be careful with it. it activates many enzymes in human body’s chemical reactions. You can find manganese in whole grains, mainly oats. Other great sources of it are beans, peas, cheese, apples, nuts.
Omega-3 fatty acids. The most recent studies have shown that omega – 3 fatty acids can help prevent everything from cardiovascular diseases and depression to rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, fatty fish such as salmon , have become one of the most important foods. These fats (also found in nuts and flax seeds ) help to protect against various diseases , and they are vital for healthy immune system.  Other sources of omega – 3 fatty acids: flaxseeds, canola, hemp, walnuts, wheat germ, and soybean oil , as well as green leafy vegetables, nuts, oily marine fish (tuna, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines).

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