What you didn’t know about mango fruits?

Mango is a great fruit that has 11-20 %of carbohydrates, a little bit of protein, 0.2-0.5% of organic acids and 80% of water. This is an excellent source of vitamin C , A , E, and B group vitamins (B6, B3 – niacin, B5 – pantothenic acid). Mango fruits are rich in minerals: copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc and others. You can eat fresh mangoes, add them to desserts, sorbet, cakes, jams, make juice and smoothies. Mangoes can be canned, frozen and dried.
Benefits for skin. Mango fruit is an elixir of youth for your skin. It provides elasticity and firmness. Vitamin C and enzymes prevent the appearance of wrinkles and promote collagen formation.
The heart and blood vessels. Potassium is essential for cardiovascular activities. Fresh mango juice helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is great eat mangoes as prevention of atherosclerosis. One big mango contains all daily dose of potassium.
Vision. Mango is a great source of carotene (provitamin A), which is converted into retinol that is necessary for good vision.
Kidneys. Since mango has a lot of water and minerals, it cleanses kidneys and normalizes their functions.
Nervous system. Mangoes are rich in glucose, which has great effect on central nervous system. A glass of fresh juice in the morning will invigorate your entire day.
Prevention of cancer. Mango is rich in antioxidants – substances that fight free radicals that may cause cancer.

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