Prepare your body for bikini season

Can’t wait till beach season starts? If you say no, that means you are not comfortable in your bikini. Luckily, to change this feeling you need only few weeks and few sessions on the treadmill. Here are some irreplaceable tips to help you get your best summer body:

First of all, clear your body. If eating certain foods makes your stomach feel inconvenient and bloated, you should clean up your body. To do this, firstly you should eliminate all foods that are full of chemicals and contribute malicious bacteria. Besides, you should also stop drinking alcohol because it kills good bacteria (probiotics) and try to drink as much water as you can. If you have to take antibiotics, keep in mind that they will kill all the bacteria – not only harmful but also the ones that are helpful. In order to restore normal microflora, use probiotic supplements.

Additionally, always eat fruits and vegetables together with other foods at least five times a day! Vegetables and fruits have almost no calories. For example, 100 grams of cucumber will give you only 11 calories, the same amount of potatoes – 81, sweet grapes – 69 calories! If we compare them to 100 grams of croissant, there will be 270 calories hiding inside! Besides, vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable for vitamins and other “good ” materials. Vegetables and fruits are free from cholesterol, so experiment – cook vegetable stews, stuffed vegetables (eggplant, peppers, zucchini), try the vegetarian dishes, eat vegetable soup every day.
Finally, to keep your lines perfect, start doing the best exercise for the beach – put on the hat and walk. It’s not recommended to start jogging on the beach because of the dangerous sun and loss of fluid. Additionally, you can also join your friends to play various games on the beach: volleyball, squash or football or do yoga every morning to relax and stay positive.

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