Simple rules of fish diet

If you want to lose some weight, try following five-day fish diet which won’t make any harm to your immune system. Doctors love fish because they are rich in omega – 3 fatty acids known for their powers
to protect us against heart attack, cardiovascular disease and enhance body’s protective powers. Eating fish gives you enough protein and other nutrients important fir normal activity of the body: vitamins B,
iron and others. Eating fish won’t lead you to extra pounds, because even the fattest fish has less fat than pork or beef. However, make sure that you are not allergic to fish before you start following this diet!

Tip: You can eat not only fish – there is a great variety of seafood which should also be included, like shrimp or sea kale.

Here are the basic rules:

As soon as you wake up drink a glass of water. For breakfast, drink two cups of green tea, eat one hard-boiled egg, a glass of low-fat milk or yogurt or eat 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey.

For lunch, drink a glass of water. After 20 minutes, eat a piece of boiled fish with boiled vegetables to prevent the hunger. Then eat a grapefruit (or a couple of apples, kiwi or orange).

20 minutes before dinner you should drink two glasses of water. Eat 250 g of fish (boiled, steamed, fried or grilled in foil – the only requirement is to prepare that fish without any fat). Sometimes you can spice things up and eat tuna or mackerel canned in its juice. Choose rice, steamed vegetables, like broccoli, peppers, green beans, Brussels sprouts, squash, carrots, beets on the side. For the sauce you should use natural yogurt with lemon juice and herbs. Don’t forget eating green vegetables and include cabbage, carrots or tomatoes in your menu.

For an afternoon snack, drink a cup of green tea. Do not forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day!
For your dinner, eat similarly to your lunch. However, to avoid monotony, sometimes choose hot, sometimes cold fish or other seafood. Before going to bed drink a cup of your favorite herbal tea.

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