Tasty and healthy products for your health and beauty

Did you know that if you eat these tasty products you will not only be healthier but also more beautiful?

Avocados. They are rich in biotin that prevent your skin, hair and nails from getting dry and brittle. Avocado is very tasty and a great ingredient of salad or just a nice snack. however, you can use it externally too, as a mask for your heai or skin. This wa you will see the results quicker.

Green tea. It is one of the best friends of beautiful skin. It is recommended to drink 4 cups of green tea every day.

Tomatoes. Tomatoes fight against free radicals and strengthen damaged cells. Free radicals are known for aging your skin. You can also make tomatoe mask for dry hair with split ends. Simply smash few tomatoes and apply it on your hair. Leave it for about 10 minutes and wash it with shampoo and condtitioner.

Salmon. All fish contains omega 3 and vitamin D which are involved in many beauty and health related processes, but salmon is extremly rich in these. Dermatologists recommend cutting out sugar and eating salmon every day if you want to keep your skin young.

Eggs. Eggs are also considered to promote youth and fight against free radicals. They are also great if you have dry skin. Try washing your hair using eggs instead of regular shampoo and you will also treat it.

Pomegranates. Prepare a face mask by smaching a pomegranate and apply it to your face. You will see how your skin will start to glow instantly. Pomegranate juice is rich in vitamins A, C, E and iron which help to neutralize free radicals effects. This is also a great vitamin bomb for your skin, hair and nails.

Walnuts. These nuts are great for those who don’t like fish much. They are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids which make you hair shine. Your nails will also become healthier and your skin will look velvety.

Beans. Beans help to fight against free radicals. Include beans to many of your dishes and you will soon understand why they are considered one of the best youth cultivating products.

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