Teeth whitening

We all have the teeth of a different color and no matter if they are white, gray or yellow, we dream only about the pearl-while smile. For that it could help the procedure of cosmetic dentistry which is called teeth bleaching.

The color of the teeth is congenital but when aging it also starts to change. Teeth become stained because of the certain chronic diseases, an old age, products affecting the color (coffee, tea, red wine, cola, tobacco), dental trauma, the use of tetracycline during the period of maturation or various inflammation processes. These changes are not very pleasant as we all dream only about the white teeth. That also confirms the survey made by American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, which has revealed that over the past five years the teeth whitening procedure has become the most popular procedure among the people younger than 50 years old.

If it is carried out properly, dental bleaching does not affect tooth enamel as it has been declared for ages. For the good results, it is advisable to make a professional oral hygiene one week before the whitening and remove the plaque to prepare the teeth. Note that it is not advisable to do this procedure before the thirteenth birthday because teeth tissue is still in its formation process. It’s also not recommended whitening those teeth that are brittle, have plenty of seals or if the person suffers from periodontitis. 

Teeth are usually whitened in two ways: one is performed in the dental office with high-concentration gel while other can be performed at home with low-concentration agents. When the procedure is done with a help of a dentist, it is more sufficient and you can see the results right after it. Performing teeth bleaching at home needs more time and only after 10 – 14 procedures you will get the best results. However, no matter which way you choose, the color of your teeth can be changed only by several shades.

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