The benefits of rooibos tea

Red rooibos tea is a delicious and aromatic drink, stimulating and toning our body and providing useful minerals and vitamins. The tea has a slightly sweet taste, notes of wood and nuts and many useful properties.

• Local African tribes used tea not only as a refreshing drink, but also as a natural coloring agent;

• This tea does not contain caffeine and tannins, so it can be used at any time and in unlimited quantities;

• Rooibos contains vitamin A, E and P, as well as calcium, fluoride, manganese, copper, potassium, zinc, iron and magnesium;

• Rooibos tea is extremely efficient to help fight high blood pressure, it is useful in treating diabetes and atherosclerosis;

• It is used to treat allergies and various skin diseases;

• Helps with insomnia;

• Improves digestion;

• Sometimes this tea is used to relieve cough and get rid of intestinal parasites;

• Strong rooibos tea is an excellent and totally natural bactericidal mean which can be used to treat dermatitis, eczema, skin itching and irritations.

Generally speaking, rooibos tea is beneficial to our entire body. It helps to recuperate and strengthen immunity. You can drink it both hot and cold. In order to be tastier, you can add a slice of apple, orange or lemon.


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