3 myths about diets

Anyone interested in healthy eating and dieting could easily tell these three rules how to avoid gaining weight: never skip your breakfast, do not eat after 6 p.m. and eat frequently throughout the day, but in small portions. However, all of these 3 myths were denied!

Is breakfast – really necessary?

Eating times is often over dramatized. Scientists have proven that none of the eating itself is not more important than the others. In order to lose weight, the most important is how many calories you get and how much of them you burn. A healthy breakfast does not guarantee that the rest of the day you will also eat only healthy and low-calorie food. If you just woke up and you do not want to eat, there is nothing really terrible that your first meal of the day is lunch.

Why should you torture yourself after 6 p.m.?

The same rule applies again: eating time is not so important, as emphasized in many diet tips. Italian scientists have made a research and compared the results of people who are trying to lose weight. One group of volunteers ate more in the first half of the day, the other – in the evening. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories. The results showed that the time you eat did not affect the results! Therefore, if you feel hungry in the evening, you can have some light snacks. Just make sure you don’t overeat.

Why should you eat frequently and in small portions?

It’s hard to believe, but this theory came from a believe that eating also promotes burning calories. Therefore some nutritionists recommended eating frequently in small portions if you want to lose weight. But this myth is contradicted by recent research. According to French scientists, there is no evidence that the same amount of calories used in 3 or 6 times, uses different energy to digest it. So again it is recommended to check how many calories you consume instead on how often you eat and what are the sizes of your portions. The most important thing is not to exceed the recommended calorie intake.

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