5 drinks that will help you to lose weight

If you have decided to get rid of extra weight, you have probably already started exercising and watching what you put in your mouth. However, it may not be enough to get quick and effective result. Here are a few drinks, which speed up fat burning. If you drink more, you will want to eat less.

1. Detoxifying juice. Are you looking for a truly reliable drink to fight against obesity? You should try detoxifying juice. You can make at home from any fruit and vegetables that you have. Make sure you include citrus fruits. Other great choices to clean toxins are ginger, carrots and apples. They are rich in antioxidants, which protect body from harmful free radicals.

2. Green vegetable juice. Kale, broccoli, cauliflower, peas will help you to burn fat. They not only make it easier to lose weight, but also balance the amount of hormones, reduce inflammations and control the amount of sugar in the body. Try to drink at least 50 grams of green vegetables juice every day.

3. Green tea. Green tea is used for health benefits for ages. A few cups of this drink per day will burn about 70 calories. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which accelerate the metabolism and help to burn fat.

4. Drinks with ginger. It it is believed that ginger enhances immunity, it has anti-aging effect, regulates metabolism and improves blood circulation. Drink ginger tea in the morning, to get energy for entire day.
5. Black coffee. Coffee contains antioxidants, which destroy free radicals, reduce the risk developing cancer, stimulates the metabolism (which is very important if you want to lose weight), etc. It is recommended to drink coffee at first half of the day.

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